Father with Newborn, Acrylic Hexagon with Vinyl Image, Plaque, 5 inches tall

Father with Newborn, Acrylic Hexagon with Vinyl Image, Plaque, 5 inches tall

Father with Newborn, Acrylic Hexagon with Vinyl Image, Plaque, 5 inches tall

These Newborn Ornaments are so precious. The Acrylic is clear with vinyl image on reverse side. Can be doubled as an Ornament for Christmas time as well.

Each Ornament is 5 inches tall and an amazing 1/4 inch thickness.

Proud to be Laser Engraved in the USA. If you have a project that needs custom laser engraving, need a laser cutter, laser etching or engraving on wood, contact us at Stylish Engraving, we will be happy to help

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